40.18.3, (c) 2010-12 Shundra L. Moore a.k.a web.evangel, all rights reserved

Posts tagged “Quiet Please

Quiet Please

Quiet please, I’m trying to concentrate. This is real hard work balancing in this stance.” Jesse was being sarcastic he was in the Lotus Pose one of the easiest. “So how long have you been working this hard.” “All day long.” Jessie said with a sly grin. “I need to meditate and clear my mind of all evil thoughts. And fill it up with worthless thoughts of a meaningless vacation in the Bahamas. Doing nothing and then writing about it for money.”

I’ve been Jesse’s little sister since I was five years old. I’m Sherry and I’m adopted.

Quiet please, you’re breathing too loud.” “How on earth can I make that much noise inhaling and exhaling?” “Well any way I wanted to talk about something.” “Quiet please your breaking up my meditation.” Ok, I gave up and started into a belly laugh. “What are you meditating on?” “Umm something important.” “Like?” “Like how I’m going too get you to stop being so serious. Sherry you really should lighten up.” “This is important Jesse you need to wake up from your nap and listen a minute.” Shh, did you hear that its the sound of my stomach growling.” “Jesse will you stop joking around and hear me out.”

I want to find my birth mother but I’m not sure if she will want to find me. I have a bad feeling about finding her, but I can’t shake the motivation to search for her.”

Well let me give you some advice little sis. I wouldn’t follow up on that urge. You already have a family that loves you and you have a bad feeling that you shouldn’t ignore.” “Jess I don’t know how to say this. I want to tell mom about it but it would hurt her feelings. I need to find her.” No, what you need is some rest. When is the last night that you slept eight hours straight through. Sleep deprivation will do some strange things to your train of thought. Ok I’ll consider seriously taking a nap in the middle of my next bible study. I couldn’t help it but I burst out into tears. Jess got up and gave me a shoulder to cry on.

This is really bothering you huh.” “Yep, it is Jess.” “Ok so Sherry this is what we will do. Pray.” “Pray what?” “Just meditate and pray for the next few minutes.” “Ok Jess, I’ll go for that. But like I said Pray what?”

Ok, you want me to start.” “Yep. I sure do cause I’m at a loss for words right now.” “Quiet please your sniffuling to loud.” He was just trying to make me smile. I knew the kind of person Jesse was. Joking most of the time but a serious person when you got to know him. I was about to say something and Jess interrupted me. “Shh, your breaking my concentration. Ok we’ll pray like this. Father God send Sherry’s mother to her and get this grief off her mind in Jesus name. Amen.” “That’s it. That’s all you’re going to pray Jess.”

Shh. P.S. Lord. Umm, And send her back with a new family if she wants one.” “I started to say amen brother but I bet you already know what he said.” “Shh’ I’m not finished your mighty noisy today. I think my you and my stomach are conspiring to mess up my peaceful day of meditating on God.” Jess said everything with a smile. He rambled on for the next five minutes and then let me say Amen.

Quiet Please © copyright 2010 Shundra L. Moore all rights reserved