40.18.3, (c) 2010-12 Shundra L. Moore a.k.a web.evangel, all rights reserved

Christian Fiction

1st Draft of Saving Face

1st Draft of Saving Face
A Short Story for reeltales.wordpress.com
(c) copyright 2011, Shundra L. Moore, all rights reserved

I’m a dumpter diver kind of. Remember one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. So treasure is what I’m after. I was looking for a special kind of treasure at the local grocery store food I could eat. I’m not ashamed really just hungry. Fruit that is not in season would go really good for breakfast. All you need is a good pocket knife to cut away the nasty bits. Nothing like hunting the grocery dumpters in Florida. Passion fruit and pears are a good mix. Sounds good to in a onomatopoeia kind of way. So I’m looking for the best for my morning fruit salad.

I never thought I would be in this spot I’m sombody you know. Well maybe you don’t well this is my story they call me the bag lady except I don’t really like bags, just the stuff in them. My family came from Japan but I’m an all American girl an equal opertunity scavenger. I don’t know a thing about the country really and not much about America if you want me to be honest with you I just want to go to the Grand Canyon for a visit have a RV take a shower that would be nice. I mainly take it one day at a time. Food for today a shower at the YMCA tomorrow I got it made really. Except for my medicines they talk you know they talk on their own. You take um and you in another world. At least that’s what my doctors tell me they don’t believe in supernatural events unless you go to their church.

The Hilton never seen the inside really just the Hilton express lobby I got kicked out they made a comment about the smell. I couldn’t smell it they said I stunk. Well that’s what I was there for a shower but never got into a room. I really like those commercials where they put you in another world and you save the day and get to say, I’m an imposter really but I’m smart I stayed at a Hilton Express.

It never gets cold here not that cold unless it rains and your clothes have to dry out. I’m getting ready for the holidays I want to go home but there is something about saving face. I’m the black sheep of the family so I don’t know if I can go back there or not. I’m an embarrassment to them but they go volunteer and help people like me every holiday so I don’t quite get it. I try to understand but they say I’m not capable. Its the medicine they tell me I have to take or I will become a harm to myself or my loved ones.

My preference is sunshine in a bottle instead of anti-depressants, but I have a temper I get mad and don’t know how to control myself they say. But if you ask me the medicine was bad. I’ve only had too incidents but everyone thinks I’m like that all the time. Two too many as far as they were concerned. So now I’m an exile in my own country cause I exposed myself to some pretty nasty spirits. Yeah I know that doesn’t have anything to do with breakfast. I digress. I think someone hudued my food really.

And when they hudue your food and you are not around your own kind the nasty spirits make you angry. But those doctors really think the medicine will fix a hex. So I’m cursed because I hung around the wrong crowd but no one tells me how to get out of one. Some say closure from tramatic events some say hire a hudue person to read you and find out who this bad spirit is. I don’t know really I don’t want to talk to anyone about it I just want a good breakfast. That’s as far as I can think today. The last time I tried to talk about the hex they pumped me full of medicine.

The Christians say we love you and God does too. He promises daily bread but I havent seen that lately. So this God of theirs breaks His promises. I asked Him for a shower and a house that was safe to stay in with no huedue there but the nuns said I didn’t ask their God right. So how do you ask for something you need these spirits seem to be following me. There’s a TV show where the girl gets paid for talking to these voices that the Christians tell me need to be casted out. I like the voices their the only company I have. And they say I’m dangerous becuase these mean spirits find me. They don’t seem mean to me just lonely like me.

So I really don’t know who to believe. Its all about saving face really. You know I’m even educated but not enough for a job. So you could call me a garbage scientist. Just tell me how to measure that. They say you can measure anything. I read it on a book cover. How to Measure anything in Business.  Well that doesn’t make any difference hopelessness can’t be measured as far as I’m concerned its one of those mean spirits that follow me around. Like I said I’m kind of used to them their my friends. Who’s going to replace them if they go. I’m not sure I’ll find a replacement I’m not a people person really I don’t act “normally” as they say. So how do I get back to the normal that everybody likes.

Guess that’s impossible you really can’t please everybody. Oh right but there is this movie called mission impossible. There was another movie about someone like me he played a musical instrument or something with strings attached. So maybe just maybe I could fake it a little. At least enough to get a home. Talk to the spirits when I’m alone and when I’m around people just don’t say anything to them. That’s what some doctors say the medicine will help you ignore them. But its not the medicine they are real but no one will believe me.

So I don’t get paid for seeing them like the people on TV. Sometimes I watch at the TV store down the street from the grocery store, you know they have the new flat screens now thin as a rail.

Part Two < of saving face later or finish the story yourself. Its an story idea. I’m learning to write so bear with me.

Tough Cookies – Acts 19:11-20

Tough Cookies - Acts 19:11-20

Unnamed Antagonist 

So where is the dough? Kenwright. 

You have to tell me where you guys hid the money or we will be here all day.  I'll untie you after you spill the beans.


The beans are in the cubbord on the left. But I'm not telling you anything, besides you know everything I know. Anyway its a long story.

Unnamed Antagonist

I told you I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where the money is hidden.


Ok you asked for it.

There where certain sons of a Jewish High priest. They found a demon possessed woman she was severely tormented.

Unnamed Antagonist

Wait just a minute. I don't want to hear a folk tale I want to know about the money.


There is no money. Not the kind you are looking for. Just stories that lead to true riches. Some true some just as true in principle. So

do you want to know how we hide meaning in the story or not.

Unnamed Antagonist

You mean to tell me there is no money. How are you livin? Don't you have to eat.


I'm full and I usually stay that way. I don't skip a meal unless I want to. It's not that kind of food that sustains a human being anyway.

Unnamed Antagonist

I'm confused? You live in this house and have your fill of food and there is no exchange of money?


 Its not about the money that you spend at the store. And No the local store won't just take my word that will pay them for the food. But like I

said its not about the money. Do you want to know my secret or not?

Unnamed Antagonist

You mean to tell me you think I'm going to sit still while you tell me a folk tale. This is a bunch of nonsense. How bout I just kill you
right now and go on my way.


Then you are going to go on your dangerous road and meet your self at the end of it.

Unnamed Antagonist

I'm not going to meet anyone who is going to pay me back for what I do to you. But even if I do. What does that matter anyway. You live and 

learn. I'm the master of my own fate. I do what I want, when I want, and how I want. So you can stop trying to convert me to your way of 

thinking. I'm my own god.


Ok so grant my dying wish. I want to tell you a story.

Unnamed Antagonist

 I had no intention of killing you. That is until you told me there was no money. You could have lied. You know I what I wanted and that I would

not be happy without the cash. You could have lied.


Well that would negate my point. 

Unnamed Antagonist

Which is?


Well for that you would have to hear the story.

Unnamed Antagonist

Why don't I just kill you now?


Because you don't want to. If you did I would be dead already.

Unnamed Antagonist

Ok so you have a point, tell me the story and make it quick. Looks like I will need to get going as soon as possible, someone is going to
miss you soon.


There was this Rabbi and his sons. The sons of this Sceva stumbled upon a certain man. He was full of evil spirits. They decided he needed 

religion. So they told him the Gospel and tried to convert him to Christianity. The certain man said the prayer and they left. They came back 

to check on him. He was still full of demons. So they told him why he was tormented. He didn't believe enough. This is the only reason why he 

was still bound. The demons spoke back and said. He believes you. But he doesn't know your Rabbi.

Unnamed Antagonist

What does that mean?


I will answer your question after you answer mine. What is your name anyway? You have bound me up and put me in this chair and demanded 

payment from me.

Unnamed Antagonist

Self Righteousness. So I have answered you now you will answer me. What does that mean? You have no payment and I have changed my 

mind. I will kill you now. Unless you pay me now.


Jesus, please don't you have a heart. I told you I can't pay you.

Self Righteousness. Exactly.

All Kenwright could do is say the sinners prayer. He was sure that he was going to die. What else should he do? He couldn't think of anything

else. So he quoted Paul. And waited for the death blow. I have finished the "good" fight. I have kept the faith. I have finished my course. Self Righteousness killed him. He woke up in Hell
unbound and free looking at Self Righteousness. 


What's this? I am a Christian. 

Self Righeousness

You weren't on the list. All I have is your resume. Listing what you have done In Jesus name. Sorry, its not enough.


I'm at a loss for words. Is there anything I can do? 

Self Righteousness

Its to late. You couldn't do anything to deserve this. By the way I'm still confused. Did you really think you could save yourself?


A big if stands in the way
It stands to the right and says
The only qualifier for my blessing
Is the one who became the blessing.
He broke himself apart
Using the hands of men
Who didn't know Him.
He no longer uses the door of IF
He tore that door down
And stands in its place.
Qualifying all who come through Him.

The Worship

They said therefore, “What is this that He says, ‘A little while’? We do not know what He is saying.”
(John 16:18 NKJV)

Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.
(John 16:22 NKJV)

I found myself in a ship that was full of holes and burned from the inside out. Don’t know how I got there. But this was not the place for me. But I knew I had to remember this place that I would be freed from because there were others hidden from view. They wanted desperately to be free from this hip full of holes.

But this place was our only shelter there was nothing out there but open sea. None of us knew where to find shelter on the open ocean. We saw no Captain of this large boat, we were adrift. Then suddenly I saw with my eyes my fellow passengers. Wounded and broken bandaged and bruised. We waited there for someone to attend to us. The Doctor never showed his face.

At that time anyone could have shown up in His place weather they be friend or foe and said they came in the Doctors name/place. We did not think to pray so we just waited for someone, anyone to come. And we drifted on to our destination. My nearest fellow passenger spoke to me trying to pass the time: These holes were not the normal wear and tear of time. This boat was meant to be a warship.

I wonder how long we are going to be here in this boat without the Doctor. Will He come? We need Him to come now. But if we die in this place we all have decided to wait for the Doctor. Where is He anyway?